Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Is a Picture REALLY Worth a Thousand Words? Yes.

Dear Readers:

This morning, as I was attempting to take a cute pic of Connor, my phone informed me that the memory was full.  Blast.  In order to use my camera, I had to delete stuff from my memory.  Okay, annoying but no big deal.  So I opened 'My Pics' and began deciding which pics needed to stay (i.e. the first one of Connor from the hospital post-birth) and which ones needed to go (the pic I sent Autumn of the man in the kilt and t-shirt at the gas station).  

While perusing old pics, I found several that are share-worthy, and so here we go.

#1: Queen Maui

Why Queen Maui, you ask?  I beg of you to compare this shot of Maui in the animal hospital to one of Queen Elizabeth I...

#2: A preview of things to come...
It is as if he's saying, "Suuuuure Ma, I'll take the garbage out."

#3: Deaddddd Doggggg
Now, dead dogs aren't funny in the slightest, but Simba sleeping with his eyes open and tongue sticking out is.

#4: This is what happens when Daddy puts them to bed the night before...

Not even CLOSE to matching.  Well done, Hubs.

#5: Chris and Daddy at the Gun Show...

#6: Hidden Mickey
I went for allergy testing, and here is how Birch Tree reacted on my forearm.:  in the shape of a Mickey Head.  Can you see it?  It was odd.

#7: Mr. Napkinhead
Before you get all frazzled, this is NOT a KKK reference.  It's from "The Holiday."    Props to Lisa for posing.

#8: Baby Lowjack
Yes, that is basically a baby lowjack on Connor's newborn chicken foot.  It alarms if the baby is taken thru certain doors or goes too close to the window.  C-R-E-E-P-Y.

Anyway, I just thought you'd find these long-lost (or, long-forgotten) shots from my camera as amusing as I did!  Thanks for stopping by!


  1. I fully support taking pics of people in kilts any and everywhere. Keep 'em coming. And fully enjoyed the pic of dead dog...

  2. Mmmmm....It will interest Autumn to know that my Mr. Napkin-head impression took place at a Cheesecake Factory. Dammit. Now I want Cheesecake.

  3. I've slowly gotten over the non matching clothes....I had to give up that fight. I swear Greg is color blind. But however when he tries to put Isaac (3T) in Lucas' 18 month clothes I step in and make the change.....LOL No way that can be comfortable.
