Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Pet Peeves

Dear Readers -

So, I originally sat down to write this blog about my 10 Favorite Things (stolen idea from one Autumn Vangor) and found it a lot harder than I anticipated.  Therefore, instead, thanks to my now-agitated state of mind, I will write about my Top 10 Pet Peeves, in no particular order.

1. Being "shushed."  Seriously.  You wanna piss me off?  Shush me.  I'm pretty good at figuring out when it's time to turn down the Janometer a bit, and in the rare occurrence I am unaware, I am usually not insulted.  But in every day situations, if I'm talking to you and you're trying to hear something else, a simple, "hang on one sec, I'm listening to _____" will suffice and not offend me.  Shush me, and you'll get an ear full, usually at the time when you don't WANT an ear full.

2. Being called "Ma'am."  Yes, I know 'back in the day' it was a sign of respect, but honestly, would it kill the world to drop the "Ma'am" and just refer to all women as "MIss"?  All "Ma'am" does is remind me I'm older than the zitty high school kid who is ringing me up.  "Ma'am" says, "Hey, I am respecting my elders by referring to you in this non-offensive (yet offensive) manner."  "Ma'am" says, "You're older than me - nanny nanny foo foo."

3. People who put their feet on the dashboard.  This is just nasty.  And trashy.  If you do it, please don't tell me.  I will lose respect for you.

4. Parsley.  It just bugs me.  Why is it there?  Don't we all just throw it away?

5. Yogurt/baby food lids.  They spit at you. I understand the physics of WHY this happens (air pressure, blah blah blah) but that doesn't make it any better when it splatters all over your clothing.  Though, since I am usually in my pajamas, and covered in various other liquids from my 3 kids, it's not like I'm about to walk down the run way, but it's STILL obnoxious.

6. Slivers of bar soap.  Like, when you're almost out of bar soap, and you forget to replenish it until you get into the shower the next time and realize there's only a sliver left, but you can't get a new bar because you're already in the damn shower, and the soap is all the way down the hall in the closet you recently rearranged to have a place to PUT that soap.  <breathe> THEN, when you finally DO remember to get a new bar of soap, you try feebly to meld the old sliver with the new bar, but it almost NEVER works (at least for me) and you end up with this razor thin, kind of sharp, useless strip of soap and you don't want to throw it out because it's wasteful, but you know you can't USE because you'd end up with cuts all over your body.  <gasps for air>  Maybe I'm the only one this bothers…Sorry for the soapbox rant.  Pun intended.

7. Tangled hangers.  Although this could pass as a truly awesome band name, ("Ladies and Gentlemen, the TANGLED HANGERS!") separating my hangers is a pain in the ass. I don't know if most people have all one kind of hanger.  If they do, then I'm odd.  We have: 

- colored plastic hangers
- clear plastic hangers with the metal hook 
- wooden hangers
- plastic hangers with clips for pants
- wire hangers

WHY do we have so many different kinds of hangers?  I have no idea.  But when clothing gets taken off the hanger to be worn, the hangers often end up in a pile on the bottom of the closet to get taken downstairs, where they are separated by type.  It is during this separation process that I get so hot and bothered.  I often end up getting mad, and shaking the entire pile to free the one I'm focused on, only to end up having hangers scatter in every direction (sometimes down the side of the washing machine where I cannot reach).  

8. Being told to "Relax."  What's the fastest way to get me worked up?  Tell me to relax.  Especially when I wasn't worked up to begin with.  I KNOW I'm not the only one who hates this.  Doesn't it make you MORE upset when someone tells you to relax?  And it's not like they're legitimately concerned for your mental health.  It's like, "Re-LAX."  Like they're saying, "Geeze, get off my case already.  Stop nagging.  Shut up."  You tell me to re-lax, and I'll shank you.  Fo' reals.

9. When the toilet paper runs out.  I feel like it's always for me.  Jason insists that I use more toilet paper than the average human.  He subscribes to the "4 sheets'll do ya" rule, which I just don't get.  I refuse - REFUSE- to count 4 squares out, fold them on the perforated line, and THEN decide if more is needed.  Dumb.  I won't do it.  If that means I have to change the tp roll 1,000x a year, I will just have to get over the annoyance.

10.  Allergies.  I don't think I really need to explain this one, do I?

I am sure there are more than 10 things that bug me, but these were the prominent ones at the time.  

What is YOUR biggest pet peeve?

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